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Ericsson Nikola Tesla joint-stock company holds Annual General Meeting

  Categories: Events Investors

The Annual General Meeting of Ericsson Nikola Tesla joint-stock company was held on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at the company’s headquarters in Zagreb, Krapinska 45. For the participation in the work of the Annual General Meeting 61.02 percent of the Company’s total share capital was registered, which was sufficient for the Annual General Meeting to reach valid decisions.

The Annual General Meeting was presided over by Branka Vučemilo Elezović, AGM Chairperson, and the work of the Annual General Meeting was supervised by notary public Vladimir Marčinko.

Along with the shareholders' representatives and the members of the Company's Executive Management, the Annual General Meeting was also attended by Franck Bouetard, Chairman of the Supevisory Board, Olgica Spevec, Deputy-Chair of the Supervisory Board and Petar Šimundža, Member of the Supervisory Board. 

Prior to voting on the proposed decisions, the Company’s Managing Director Gordana Kovačević presented in detail the Group’s and the Company’s business results in 2023, and additionally commented on Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group’s strategy, business outlook and future trends. Furthermore, Damir Bušić, Director of Finance, Sourcing and Commercial Management, presented the financial statements and key financial indicators for 2023.

Independent Auditors' Report was presented by Domagoj Hrkać, Partner at KPMG Croatia. Olgica Spevec presented the Supervisory Board's Report on the Performed Supervision of the Company’s business operations in 2023.

In line with the published Agenda Ericsson Nikola Tesla joint-stock company Annual General Meeting adopted the following Decisions:

Item 5

“The Report of the Company’s Supervisory Board on the Performed Supervision in 2023 is approved.”

Item 6

“The decision is reached to supplement the Company's scope of business activities, in a way that in addition to the existing activities, the following activities are added:

“* activity of electronic communications networks and services

* geodetic activities

* testing of electrical and lightning protection installations

* installation, repair and maintenance of heating, ventilation and cooling devices

* chemical cleaning and disinfection of refrigerating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems and equipment

* design and manufacture of products and parts for air-conditioning and ventilation

* manufacture of articles of concrete, gypsum (plaster) and artificial stone

* cutting, shaping and finishing of stone

*  activity of waste transport

* setting up and dismantling temporary traffic signaling“

Item 7

“The decision is reached on the amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association as follows:

The following is added to the list of activities at the end of Article 3 of the Articles of Association:

“* activity of electronic communications networks and services

* geodetic activities

* testing of electrical and lightning protection installations

*  installation, repair and maintenance of heating, ventilation and cooling devices

* chemical cleaning and disinfection of refrigerating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems and equipment

* design and manufacture of products and parts for air-conditioning and ventilation

* manufacture of articles of concrete, gypsum (plaster) and artificial stone

* cutting, shaping and finishing of stone

*  activity of waste transport

* setting up and dismantling temporary traffic signaling“  

In Article 4 of the Articles of Association, after section 1, section 2 is added and reads:

“The Company may set up branch offices through which it will perform its activities. The decision to set up a branch office is reached by the Company's Management Board.“

All other provisions of the Company's Articles of Association remain unchanged.” 

Item 8

“The Company’s net profit for the financial year 2023, amounting to EUR 18,840,713.66 will be allocated to retained earnings.

The Company’s shareholders will be paid a regular dividend of EUR 10 per share and an extraordinary dividend of EUR 5 per share, i.e. a total of EUR 15 per share from the retained earnings from 2022 and the retained earnings from 2023.

The dividend shall be paid on July 17, 2024 (payment date) to all the Company’s shareholders that on July 03, 2024 (record date) have the Company’s shares registered on their securities account in the Central Depository & Clearing Company. The date on which the shares of the Company will be traded without dividend payment right is July 02, 2024 (ex-date).”

Item 9

“Remuneration Report for Supervisory Board members and Management Board in 2023 together with the Independent limited assurance report on the Remuneration Report of Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. is approved.”

Item 10

“Discharge from liability is given to Gordana Kovačević, the Company’s Managing Director, in relation to the exercise of her duties in 2023.”

Item 11

“Discharge from liability is given to the members of the Company’s Supervisory Board and its Chairman in relation to the exercise of their duties in 2023.”

Item 12

“KPMG Croatia d.o.o., Ivana Lučića 2a/17, 10000 Zagreb, is appointed as the Auditor for the year 2024.”

Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla

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