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Articles in Category Projects
Rijeka Gets First Smart Bus Stops in Croatia
  Categories: Projects Events Portfolio
As of today, citizens of Rijeka and numerous tourists have at their disposal two smart bus stops, offering a great number of functionalities for a more efficient and pleasant experience of using public transport. The stops present a global breakthrough in technology on the road towards connected smart cities of the future, and in the background of the entire story there is a six-month long pilot project of the City of Rijeka in partnership with Ericsson Nikola Tesla company, Hrvatski Telekom, Smart RI, Autotrolej and Rijeka promet.
17th Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp Closed
  Categories: Projects Events
Official closing of the 17th Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp was held on the company’s premises on Wednesday, September 28, 2017. Along with numerous students and their mentors who participated in the camp, many representatives of academia were present at the official closing, headed by Prof. Blaženka Divjak, PhD, Minister of Science and Education in the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
IoT achievements make smart, sustainable cities a reality
  Categories: Projects Trends Tehnology news Portfolio
Ericsson Nikola Tesla in “Living Healthy” Project
  Categories: Agreements Projects Events Notices
EU project “Development and implementation of the IT system for monitoring of the implementation of the General Administrative Procedures Act (GAPA)” opening ceremony
  Categories: Agreements Projects Events Portfolio
The opening ceremony for the project “Development and implementation of the IT system for monitoring of the implementation of the General Administrative Procedures Act (GAPA)” financed from the EU IPA FFRAC 2012 fund in which Ericsson Nikola Tesla is tasked with the development of the mentioned system was held yesterday at the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia.
Closing Ceremony of Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp 2016
  Categories: Projects Events
Traditionally, this summer as well, graduate students of numerous faculties from Croatia and abroad worked in Zagreb and Split in Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp. On September 28, 2016, the closing of Summer Camp was marked with day-long activities in the Company premises, encompassing poster presentations and demo sessions. This year, an enormous interest was shown for the sessions during which numerous guests walked around stands talking to students and mentors who worked on projects. Along with students and their mentors, the closing ceremony was attended by numerous representatives of faculties, and was followed by students and mentors in our R&D in Split via video link.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Launched LTE in Armenia
  Categories: Agreements Projects
eHealth System Upgrade – eHealth Record and eHZZO portal for Patients Available from September
  Categories: Projects Tehnology news
The trial run for eHealth Record and eHZZO portal for patients that starts from 1 September is a further demonstration of the latest eHealth technological solutions being introduced into the national healthcare system, all to the benefit of Croatian patients, healthcare professionals and the system as a whole. These important steps on the way to extended digitalisation of the healthcare system will ensure a higher standard of health services, better controlled and rational operations, that is, the sustainability of the healthcare system.
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