Product Overview

The EHIS System is a customizable centralized or distributed solution based on the cloud, and consists of a series of modules, which makes it suitable for hospital facilities of any size and specialization. The EHIS System modules are the following:

  • Patient Management
  • Resource Management and Booking
  • Diet Management
  • Outpatient Treatment
  • Inpatient Treatment
  • Internal Booking and Referrals
  • Electronic Medical History
  • System of Internal Notifications
  • Administrative and Medical Forms and Consents
  • HL7 Integration Platform, integration with the following elements:
  • RIS - Radiological Information System
  • LIS - Laboratory Information System
  • TIS - Transfusion Information System (eDelphyn)
  • PIS – Pathological Information System (Ventana)
  • MIS – Microbiological Information System
  • BIS – Business Information System
  • Spirometry Module and Devices
  • Services of the Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia (OsigInfo Service, eReferral, eBooking, eHealth Report, Infectious disease report, eNewborn, etc.)*
  • Module for Hospital and Clinical Reporting
  • Master Data Management – a platform for managing people, rights, and organization
  • Integration with insurance companies*:
  • Wiener Insurance
  • Uniqa
  • CZO
  • Alliance
  • General
  • Triglav
  • Mercury.

* specificity of implementation in the Republic of Croatia

Depending on the institution, the complexity of the process and the needs, it is possible to implement different modules of the Electronic Hospital Information System.


Figure 1: EHIS System Modules

Hospital Information System, Hospital and Clinical Reporting, Patients Register, Resource Management and Booking, Diet, Polyclinic, Inpatent Department (IPD), Internal Booking and Referrals, Electronic Medical History, Internal Notification System, Administrative and Medical Forms and Consents, HL7 Integration Platform, Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia, Infectious disease report, eReferral, eHealthRecord, Insurance Check, RIS, LIS, BIS, Pharmacy, Pathology, Transfusion

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