Capital Markets Day 
The company with business excellence certificate strengthens its partnership with investors

Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. is the first company in Croatia that organized a Capital Markets Day in order to emphasize the significance of investor relations and to strengthen the confidence of investors in company management. The conference took place on October 28, 2004.


During the conference the management of the company presented current activities of the company in Croatia and in a number of export markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa and also the business results in the first three quarters of 2004. The official part of the Capital Markets Day of Ericsson Nikola Tesla included presentations held by the president of the company, Åke Enell, the vice-president Gordana Kovačević, finance director Maria Radtke, director of the Research and Development Institute Björn Dellås and by the director of Human Resources, Legal Affairs and Organization, Ana Jožinec. The attendants were informed of the position the company occupies in the Ericsson Corporation as a competence center for total communication solutions, services and systems and as a major research and development center in the Ericsson Group. During the year the objectives of the company were accomplished according to plan and consequently the company management was pleased to inform the shareholders and financial analysts of the satisfactory course of business operations this year.


The company Ericsson Nikola Tesla was admitted to the quotation of public joint stock companies on the Zagreb Stock Exchange on June 17, and since then the value of Ericsson Nikola Tesla share has risen by more than 200 percent. The highest value achieved in that period was HRK 1020. In the ownership structure of the company there were no major changes. The equity capital (share capital) of the company is now 266,3 MHRK.


The Capital Markets Day of Ericsson Nikola Tesla finished with a constructive discussion that involved the representatives of management and investors and it certainly will contribute to further strengthening and growth of the company to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. Speaking of satisfaction – this feeling was quite obvious, which points to the conclusion that a big step towards better cooperation between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the investors was taken.


Company communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla