Ericsson Nikola Tesla – East Capital Discovery of the Year  
Discovery of the Year

East Capital, the leading independent asset manager specializing in Eastern European financial markets founded in 1997 for the first time granted East Capital Awards to the best companies in this part of the world in three categories: Best Growth - for demonstration of most spectacular growth in sales, assets and margins during recent years, Best IPO – for the most successful stock exchange introduction and East Capital Discovery of the Year for outstanding results and performance which the East Capital investment team had discovered ahead of other investors. The Award ceremony was held on 9th November in Stockholm, where the East Capital Headquarters are situated.


The culmination of East Capital Award ceremony was the nomination for the Discovery of the Year. This Award was granted to the Croatian company Ericsson Nikola Tesla. The company received the Award for the persistently outstanding performance over the past few years. According to East Capital experts Ericsson Nikola Tesla is the leading East European company. Company's achievements in the process of transformation from the traditional hardware production enterprise into a modern supplier of communications solutions and services are particularly impressive. The Award was handed over to the president of the company, Åke Enell who on this occasion commented:


"On behalf of all employees I can say that we are honored to receive this recognition of our efforts aimed at achieving of the business excellence by an independent institution such as East Capital. The Award granted to the company today has a special meaning as we receive it in the year in which Ericsson Nikola Tesla celebrates 55th anniversary of its foundation and in a way is a crown symbolizing our excellent performance over several decades."


Besides Ericsson Nikola Tesla the winners of East Capital Awards 2004 are the Hungarian company FHB in the Best Growth category and the Latvian company SAF in the Best IPO category.


Company communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla