Agreements in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro  
New business contracts worth more than 20 MHRK

Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed new agreements worth more than 20 MHRK. ETK signed them with the operators BH Telecom (B and H), and with T-Com and T-Mobile (Montenegro).


The agreement with BH Telecom deals with Service Provisioning. This agreement covering the system administration area should provide BH Telecom with centralized and automated user and service administration and with centralized access to all user data generated in BH Telecom's network elements. It should also optimize the introduction and administration process for new services and speed up launching new services. The agreement results from a fruitful collaboration between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and BH Telecom, and it succeeds the contracts dealing with m-commerce and SDP (Service Delivery Platform). This contract is to continue a series of complex and demanding system integration projects. A heterogeneous operators' network is also a great challenge and it requires integration towards the various nodes of numerous operators.


ETK signed agreements with T-Com Montenegro and T-Mobile Montenegro for the extension of the broadband access network (ADSL) as well as for the extension and modernization of the existing mobile network. The agreement includes a study on the impact of changed country code. It is actually the first case of changed country code in the field of mobile telephony networks so that the elaboration of such a complex study is very demanding and therefore quite a challenge for ETK specialists.


Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, says about these agreements: "I am very pleased with our continuous successful collaboration with partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro and with the major role we play in the region. On the other hand, in our strategy till 2009 we recognized the system integration as one of the priority areas. The reasons for this are market changes characterized by converged telecommunications and information technology. Our customer demands are increasingly higher as they wish to be easily recognizable in terms of quality and variety of service. Therefore the solutions as well combine modern information and telecom products, services and applications integrated into business processes and technical environment. The concluded agreements have positioned us as a strong supplier of end-to-end solutions. They also verify ETK's capacity to handle most complex system integration projects. "


Davor Rogić, acting sales and marketing director for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro says: "BH Telecom sees Ericsson Nikola Tesla not only as a provider of conventional telecom equipment but as a provider of end-to-end solutions in system integration area. This agreement for service provisioning was preceded by agreements relating to mCommerce and Service Delivery Platforms (SDP). With the operators from Montenegro we also continue to work on the extension and modernization of fixed and mobile telephony network."


Company communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla