KAM Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 
Contract in Kazakhstan worth over 206 MHRK

Ericsson Nikola Tesla and TeleKRONA signed a new large contract worth 206.1 MHRK. With this contract the collaboration has been continued that started last year with a very large agreement with TelecomNet (TeleKRONA took over the jobs from TelecomNet). The present contract is for the delivery of new pieces/ quantities of equipment for multi-purpose networks as well as their implementation and integration. Also an AXE exchange (in Small configuration) will be delivered and the existing MD110 enterprise systems (that were part of the prior agreement) will be extended and upgraded to MX-ONE TSW. The contract also includes the delivery of transmission equipment for digital synchronous optical network (SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy), MSAN (Multi service Access Node) pilot configuration, as well as optical cable and power supply equipment, containers. Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the customer also stipulated customer financing solutions both for the equipment and services relating to the implementation of the delivered equipment.


The job involves complex system integration of advanced enterprise products, public and IP/Data network. Considering the contract volume and its strategic importance, this job will additionally strengthen Ericsson Nikola Tesla's position on the Kazakhstan market. The ICT business in this country is highly competitive as all world leading providers operate there. The competition in the telecom segment is particularly tough since in this area Kazakhstan is a market with a high potential to grow.


Gordana Kovačević, ETK president, commented on the agreement with TeleKRONA: „Ericsson Nikola Tesla was recognized in Kazakhstan as a company offering a wide range of sophisticated communication solutions and enabling their integration into various environments. This contract will manifest the strength of our company and the competence of our specialists in various work areas“,


Josip Jakovac, vice president and CIS sales and marketing director said: “We started doing business with TelecomNet last year and have continued it this year with TeleKRONA. This large agreement reflects the customer's satisfaction with our work, solutions, equipment and service and also a great deal of confidence necessary for further collaboration. But we must not neglect the importance of other recently concluded contracts in this market, one of them with new customer. Their contracted value may be lower but they are significant as professional reference for enterprise systems and they open up prospects of concluding further business deals.”


Company Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesle