Agreement between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the Port of Rijeka Authority 
A radar and communications system of sea shipping management

Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the Port of Rijeka Authority contracted an end-to-end radar and communications system of sea shipping management, i.e. the Automatic Identification System and VHF system as well as the communication system connecting different locations within the Port of Rijeka Authority. The project will be carried out in cooperation with a Norwegian partner, Kongsberg Norcontrol IT that will cover the radar and VHF system, while Ericsson Nikola Tesla will provide the communications solution. This is the first end-to-end radar and communications system of sea shipping management to be implemented in Croatia, and it is important to mention that a part of this total solution is an oceanographic and meteorological buoy that provides maritime data such as the strength and course of the wind or waves, the air and sea temperature, etc., which will also contribute to a more efficient and safer management of sea shipping on all locations covered by the Port of Rijeka Authority.


The contract is valued at more than MHRK 10, and after the project is finished the Port of Rijeka Authority will enjoy the benefits of a top quality radar base offering a wide range of information and communications possibilities, such as the Automatic Identification System. The standards of operating of the Port of Rijeka Authority will thus match the standards applied in the most advanced and the biggest ports in the world such as the one in Singapore or Rotterdam.


The Head of the Port of Rijeka Authority, Bojan Hlača, comments: „This is the 36th contract that we have signed within the Rijeka Gateway Project that is financed from the World Bank funds and that is aimed at the full modernization of the Port of Rijeka as well as the route Rijeka – Middle Europe. The realization of this project will significantly contribute to the improved quality and safety of sea shipping in this area that on the average annual lever covers about 2600 ships. It is important to point out that the system to be implemented is one of the most modern solutions of this type. We expect that all involved stakeholders will benefit from its implementation.”


Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla points out the strategic significance of this project: „The radar and communications system to be provided to the Port of Rijeka Authority is the first such system of high sophistication to be implemented in Croatia. However, I believe that soon other ports in the country will in the same way modernize their way of work, not only to increase their efficiency and quality of their service, but also to provide safer sea shipping where both vessels and human resources are concerned.”


Snježana Ivezić Torbarina, marketing and sales director for enterprise systems in Ericsson Nikola Tesla says about the contract: „We are pleased to have signed this contract, which was preceded by thorough preparation and an excellent cooperation with the Port of Rijeka Authority colleagues. We are proud of the fact that Ericsson Nikola Tesla has again found itself in the position of a leading Croatian supplier of innovative communications solution and system integrator.”


Immediately after signing of the contract the field work will start and it is expected that the system will be put into operation by the end of this year.

Company Communication of Ericsson Nikola Tesla