Certificate of Appreciation to Ericsson Nikola Tesla 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla receives the certificate for the most traded share on Varaždin Stock Exchange

In Varaždin, on 30th Jan 2007 a ceremony took place (after the resolution adopted by the General Shareholders Meeting about the merger of the Varaždin and Zagreb Stock Exchanges) where a certificate of appreciation for the highest stock turnover on the Varaždin Stock Exchange was given to Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla received the certificate on behalf of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, handed in by Ante Žigman, the State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. The ceremony was attended by many Croatian capital market participants; representatives of banks and broker houses. The audience was addressed by Melita Marčeta, Varaždin Stock Exchange director, Roberto Motušić, Zagreb Stock Exchange director, Ante Samodol, President of the Board of the Croatian Agency for Financial Service Supervision and Ivan Čehok, the Mayor of Varaždin; all of them emphasized the VSE contribution to the development of domestic capital market during the 14 years of its operations.


When receiving the Certificate of Appreciation Gordana Kovačević expressed her thanks to the Varaždin Stock Exchange and pointed to the correlation between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Varaždin Stock Exchange in terms of innovativeness, creativity, determination, user orientation, quality and transparency as lasting values. She also wished the new Stock Exchange a lot of success in the future.


Communication Unit of Ericsson Nikola Tesla