New contracts 
Expansion and modernization of mobile and fixed networks of BH Telecom

In December 2007 Ericsson Nikola Tesla concluded new contracts worth around 23 MHRK with BH Telecom, the leading operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus marking a continued good collaboration with this operator. Gordana Kovačević, ETK president and Nedžad Rešidbegović, CEO of BH Telecom signed the contracts in the presence of high officials from the Ericsson Corporation. It is about the expansion of GSM network, extension of the existing SDP architecture with new functionalities and the introduction of SIP architecture. The SIP architecture introduction will follow the recommendations of all relevant standardization bodies; accordingly, the service network expansion should fully comply with the development guidelines for the technologies of new generations in mobile and fixed network of BH Telecom. With these contracts BH Telecom has once again confirmed the utmost significance of network technology and its development strategy but also the significance of business operations of a modern Telecom in the upcoming period, especially in providing IP-based multimedia services.


During the contract signing ceremony the top officials of both companies made the following statements: "Owing to the business decision on expanding and modernizing its network, BH Telecom will get prepared to offer new, challenging and innovative multimedia contents to the users. With their contract signatures BH Telecom as a modern operator and Ericsson as a key supplier of equipment and solutions that accomplish the vision of modern development have confirmed again their strong partnership. By taking this step toward the communication solutions for the future BH Telecom has joined the most advanced telecom operators in the world who are ready to face all challenges of the future-oriented business", emphasized Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.


„There is a good user acceptance of new communication technologies in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina and accordingly, BH Telecom as a mobile and fixed network operator is interested in providing them to the users as soon as possible. Our business strategy is to create and prepare a platform compliant with the latest technology developments in communications; by doing so we shall be ready for new services implementation for our users. We are very pleased that we have entered the multimedia services area together with Ericsson Nikola Tesla; they are our longstanding partner with whom we do business founded on assured quality and trust“, said Nedžad Rešidbegović, CEO of BH Telecom.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla