Agreement signed for the Land Information System development and implementation

In collaboration with the consortium headed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla, activities to accomplish the project entitled „Organized Land“ have started. The contract is worth 22,5 MHRK (VAT included). The contractual deadline for the implementation of the joint Land Information System (consisting of Land Records and Cadastral Data and Maps) is 2 years from now on, and the system shall secure FASTER, SIMPLER AND MORE SECURE real estate registering and related entitlement.


The agreement has been signed for the development and implementation of the Land Information System, consisting of united Land Records and Cadastral System (ZIS). The parties to the Agreement are the Ministry of Justice, the National Geodetic Administration and a consortium including Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. from Croatia, IGEA d.o.o. from Slovenia and the Centre of Legal Competence Forschung & Consulting GmbH Vienna from Austria. The bid offer of the consortium headed by the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla was declared the best in the bid contest among six contestants; tenders were invited end of October 2006.

The signatories to the Agreement were the Minister of Justice Ana Lovrin, Professor Željko Bačić DSc, Head of the National Geodetic Administration, and Gordana Kovačević MSc, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla on behalf of the consortium as the winning contestant.


The concept of ZIS fits perfectly into the strategic development plan for e-Croatia which implies the informatization of the governmental bodies as the major step in adopting the „at citizens' service“ attitude and as a prerequisite for using modern ICT technologies to secure fast, top-quality and easy accessible services for all citizens of Croatia.


It is a significant step in the project entitled „Organized Land“and it is also a major IS/IT enterprise of the Government of the Republic of Croatia aimed at building a data base system that should store on one place the former Land Records data and Cadastral Data and Cadastral Maps, ensure unique procedures and processes, secure unique and uncontradictory contents and increase security in handling real estate transactions. The System shall enable remote communication with the users (insight into data and issuing documents), with authorized professionals/specialists (notaries public, lawyers, certified geodetic engineers, banks …). They shall all have fast and accurate communication with the system and use advanced functions they need to do the job.


„The development of a united Land Information System is unavoidable in accomplishing „Organized Land“ project goals. The new system will unite the former land records and the cadastral data and maps and thus it will achieve full transparency, build confidence in the land registry data and increase legal security in sales and purchase of real estate“, emphasized the Minister of Justice Ana Lovrin.


„We are very satisfied with the conducted competition and with the selected bid. I wish to stress that this ambitious undertaking implies having the first system that should unite the activities of two governmental registries. ZIS shall provide many advantages both to citizens and investors but also to the state – it shall not only secure speedy, simple and secure procedures but also increase operational efficiency," says Professor Željko Bačić DSc, Head of the National Geodetic Administration.


When commenting on the just signed Agreement, MSc Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla emphasized the following:” I am very pleased that our solution was selected in a tough competition. This means that the Ministry of Justice and the National Geodetic Administration have placed their trust in us in this important and complex task. We successfully implemented the national primary health care information system and we are glad to have this opportunity together with our partners IGEA Slovenia and CLC Austria and with our subcontractor, the ACES from Zadar, to implement the modern solutions of highest quality in the strategically important Land Informatization System. Accordingly, the former land records and the cadastral data and maps will become, in terms of technology, functionality and business processes, a part of an informatized judicature.With its quality, facilities and speed the system shall be a breakthrough for both the process owner and the user. I am glad that this System will provide the availability of all data required for fast decision-making of high quality and that it shall increase citizens' satisfaction with this kind of service”.


Snježana Ivezić Torbarina, Domestic Sales and Marketing Director for Enterprise Systems in Ericsson Nikola Tesla, says “I am very pleased that we won in a tough competition and that our bid was accepted. It provides a solution for an integral Land Information System that unites the land records and cadastral data and maps in compliance with the rules of the World Bank. I am also pleased that once again we proved to be the leading system integrator in the region. A competent team from Ericsson Nikola Tesla prepared the bid; we chose the partners and subcontractors with competence and references from clients with similar projects. We wished to offer a high-quality solution that should contribute to further development of e-Croatia. The ZIS project expert team prepared the bidding documents very carefully, which made our work easier and enabled the customer to choose the best and most favorable bid.


Company Communication of Ericsson Nikola Tesla