Business in the Commonwealth of Independent States 
New contracts worth over 6 million kunas

In July Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed new contracts in the CIS markets. Their total worth is over 6 million kunas.
In Russia two contracts were signed, one for exchange extension and upgrading in Krasnodar and another for a delivery of multiplexers and Mini Links in Kemerovo. In addition, a broadband access based on Ericsson's EDA solution will be introduced in Kemerovo. In Belarus a contract was signed for the modernization of the international telecommunication center that should enable higher capacities for the international telecom traffic. In Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan new contracts include enterprise systems and transmission networks, and also the telecom networks maintenance. In Kazakhstan and Uzbekhistan the activities are continued relating to further possible telecom networks modernization and expansion.  
In these markets Ericsson Nikola Tesla is recognized as a reliable partner offering most recent telecommunication solutions and thus contributing to the development of the countries where the company operates. 


Communication of Ericsson Nikola Tesla