Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Ericsson Nikola Tesla to provide 3G to BH Telecom

Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Nedžad Rešidbegović, CEO of BH Telecom, signed a contract for the implementation of 3G HSPA solution in BH Telecom network, the first 3G mobile solution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contract was signed in Sarajevo on 6th November 2008 and it is worth 20 MHRK.


Pursuant to the contract Ericsson Nikola Tesla shall provide a HSPA network, including a radio access network and Ericsson's Mobile Softswitch and Video Gateway solutions which shall enable video service to BH Telecom’s end users. Ericsson Nikola Tesla shall also perform the implementation and integration service for the access network and the system integration of Video Gateway solution into the total project solution.

„BH Telecom's endeavor to retain its position as the leading wireline and wireless network operator in the country and a wider region calls for continuous development and implementation of the latest communication technologies in order to provide services adapted to our consumers’ needs. With this contract BH Telecom will secure access to very fast mobile broadband, including the mobile Internet, video calls and other advanced multimedia services to be provided to the subscribers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In taking this giant technological step we entrusted Ericsson Nikola Tesla, our good longtime business partner, with this job“said Nedžad Rešidbegović, CEO of BH Telecom.


„We are very proud that BH Telecom has chosen Ericsson Nikola Tesla in an international, in technical aspects very demanding bidding contest, as the provider of the 3G HSPA solution. This confirms again Ericsson's leadership in 3G technology. The specialists of Ericsson Nikola Tesla will use their competence and experience acquired in numerous 3G projects accomplished within the Ericsson Group and in the domestic market to not only expand the BH Telecom network but also to provide it with the latest mobile technology“, said Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla