Commonwealth of Independent Countries 

Ericsson Nikola Tesla contracts new export jobs valued at MHRK 9.7

Ericsson Nikola Tesla has contracted new deliveries in the markets of Russia and Moldavia worth MHRK 9.7 in total.


With the private operator RTC based in Tjumen and specializing in telecommunications services for oil companies operating in several regions the company has contracted the delivery of a new transit exchange and the upgrade of the existing Ericsson’s enterprise IP based systems. Ericsson Nikola Tesla has also signed contract with operators UTK and Kubintersvjaz from Krasnodar on the extension of their wireline telecom networks. Other contracts are related to the partnership with the operator Megafon based in Moscow and they cover the installation and integration of this operator’s wireline broadband network. Also, Ericsson Nikola Tesla will provide the Moldavian customer Interdnjestrcom with the post-guarantee support services.


„Ericsson Nikola Tesla continues its successful operation in the markets of the Commonwealth of Independent Countries by a series of small but strategically significant contracts. Considered against the current situation in the global market this situation is satisfactory because it enables the realization of our plans. We can expect similar trend in the next year and we have accordingly aligned our strategy so that we keep our position of a top quality communications supplier”, comments Josip Jakovac, company vice-president and director of CIS sales and marketing.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla