CIS market 
New deals of Ericsson Nikola Tesla worth 12,5 MHRK

Ericsson Nikola Tesla concluded several new export deals in the Community of Independent States, worth in total 12,5 MHRK. The Croatian telecom company signed with a new customer, ZAO City Telecom from Yekaterinburg, Russia, a contract for delivery of a new AXE Enabler-based exchange for the city of Lesnoy. It is the first in a series of plants to be installed in the course of telephone network reconstruction in the Sverdlovsk province.


Beside this, Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed with MegaFon Moscow the first contract for Telephony Soft Switch in Moscow; it is a contract within a frame agreement covering the zone and local (fixed) network in three mega regions. In the Russian market several new deals in enterprise systems area were concluded with various customers.


In Belarus Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed a contract with Beltelecom, a fixed telecom-solutions operator, for a Minsk exchange extension and two contracts for network upgrading in the cities of Gomel and Mogilev.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla