Ericsson Nikola Tesla – export worth 14 million kuna

In February and early in March Ericsson Nikola Tesla concluded contracts for exports to Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and some other markets worth 14 MHRK.


It is about business in fixed telephony and enterprise systems, such as a contract for Telephony Softswitch (TSS), contracts for extension and modernization of AXE exchanges, EDA (system) expansion to enable broadband access network evolution, delivery of new transmission systems (MiniLinks) and extending the existing and delivery of new MX ONE systems.
The communication systems of Ericsson Nikola Tesla will be put into operation in Voronezh, in six cities in Central Russia, in the Moldovan Republic of Trans-Dniester and in Kazakhstan.
Contracts were concluded with the customers Megafon from Moscow, Tozzi S.R.L from Moscow, with the private operator Interdnjestrcom from Tiraspol (Moldova), and with the operator TOO Bikada in the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.
MX-ONE TSW enterprise systems participate to a great extent in total worth of these export contracts. These new orders for enterprise systems confirm again Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s references, a highly significant moment in the company's positioning toward Aastra; only recently Ericsson has sold this part of its production portfolio to the Aastra Company.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla