New export contracts of Ericsson Nikola Tesla worth nearly 11 MHRK

Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed several new contracts in the Russian Federation, worth in total 10.9 MHRK.


The major contract regards the delivery of 36 cutting-edge IP-oriented enterprise solutions that should secure special functionalities - the first of the kind in Russia - for a large power enterprise in Moscow.


Other contracts were concluded with the operator Svyazinvest in the North-West Region of Russia and the operators Peterstar in St. Petersburg and Megafon Moscow; they are relating to a wireline network expansion, which means a modernization and implementation of cutting-edge solutions for wireline broadband network.

With the customers in Moldova and Kazakhstan the company contracted customer support and spare parts delivery; with the customer Fergana Oil Refinery in Uzbekistan and with a special customer the company contracted new IP-oriented enterprise solutions.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla