Press Conference 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla reports business results 2007

At the press conference of 18th March Ericsson Nikola Tesla reported its business results 2007 and outlook 2008 and also presented its major social responsibility projects accomplished together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). Reporters and newsmen in attendance represented mainstream media: printed media, radio and TV. In attendance were also investors’ representatives and financial analysts, FER representatives with the Dean, Professor Vedran Mornar and 24 FER students who had been granted ETK scholarships.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla's president, Gordana Kovačević presented the performance 2007 and said she was satisfied with the achievements in 2007. Despite a very challenging year, Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s business results meet the planned figures, with a volume exceeding the telecom market growth.


„Operations were stable, showing a tendency to growth. We fully achieved our plans and excelled in some of them, so that again we can talk about record-breaking orders booked and net sales. Orders booked went up 9.6 percent and amount to MHRK 1,779.9. Sales revenues went up 9 percent and amount to MHRK 1781.5. Profit before taxes is higher than planned and amounts to MHRK 200.5“ said Gordana Kovačević.


The president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla emphasized the company would continue its export orientation and hold top Croatian knowledge exporter position. In total sales 2007 the domestic market participated with 31 %, export with 69%. Knowledge export to internal Ericsson market participated with 23%.

Oscar Wallsten, Finance Director, presented the financial results and emphasized that key performance indicators were on planned track record, or even better.


Regarding the outlook 2008, Gordana Kovačević says the company is well prepared for a leading position in the growing ICT market. By relying on its competence and market presence the company will be able to offer high quality ICT solutions. The company will continue positioning in strategic areas through defined activities oriented to new generation networks and services, multimedia solutions and system integration, at cost optimization on all levels. By expanding to the non-traditional telecom segments, combined with our ability to do good business with customers and our strong commitment to research and development we shall lay the foundations on which to broaden the present market.

Snježana Bahtijari, Communication Director was the conference moderator and addressed the company's social responsibility. She emphasized the company's collaboration in research, developmental and educational activities with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University in Zagreb and with the Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University in Split.


The company's collaboration with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing is worth over 3 MHRK annually; three new projects worth annually 650,000 HRK, were added to this overall collaboration framework: funding for a research assistant (beside the quotas admitted by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports), scholarships granted to FER students and a new Ericsson Nikola Tesla lab at FER. This year's scholarship holders, 24 in number, attended the conference and their representative, Silvija Prlić, addressed the audience.


Gordana Kovačević told the audience the Supervisory Board of Ericsson Nikola Tesla supported the managing director's proposal for a 20 HRK ordinary dividend per share and an extraordinary 250 HRK dividend per share. The proposal will be included in the agenda of the general shareholders meeting on 27th May 2008 for voting. Entitled to obtain the dividend are all shareholders who seven days before the Meeting have company shares registered on their securities account in the Central Depository Agency.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla

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