Shareholders Assembly of Ericsson Nikola Tesla 
In 2007 operations were stable, showing a tendency to growth

The joint stock company Ericsson Nikola Tesla held its Annual Meeting on 27th May 2008. The represented share capital was 81.866.800 kunas i.e. 61,48% of total share capital, enough for the Meeting to make lawful decisions. Snježana Bahtijari, Communication Director, chaired the Meeting.


The attendance included shareholders, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Management Team and the Supervisory Board members: Jan Campbell, Chairman, Carita Jönsson, Ignac Lovrek, Zvonimir Jelić and newly elected member of the Supervisory Board, Roland Nordgren . The major shareholder, LME, was represented by Claes Persson.

Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, reviewed the business year 2007 and presented the strategy and outlook in 2008. Oscar Wallstén, Finance Director presented the financial results for 2007 and the first quarter 2008. The auditor Ivana Matovina approved ETK operations in 2007 on behalf of the company auditor KPMG Croatia d.o.o. za reviziju. The Assembly made a decision on paying a 270 HRK- dividend per share to all shareholders of the joint stock company who on 20th May 2008 had Company shares registered on their securities account in the Central Depository Agency. The dividend should be paid not later than 26th June 2008.


It was decided that the Company profit for the financial year 2007 to the amount of 199,794,844.17 HRK should be used for dividend payment (to the amount lacking after having used the not allocated retained earnings realized in 2005 and 2006) and the rest should be allocated to retained earnings.

Decisions were made on changes to the company statute: In art. 3, at section end, an activity is added and the text now reads: “Production of medical products”. In art.32 the first sentence is changed and it now reads: “The Shareholders’ Assembly shall define the deadline for payout of net income (profit) in compliance with legal provisions.”


Roland Nordgren, president of Ericsson’s Market Unit Central Europe was elected as a new member of the Supervisory Board of the joint stock company Ericsson Nikola Tesla, to replace the outgoing Board member Jan Campbell who had been in office since June 2006. Carita Jönsson, Head of Management System Audits & Region Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), was re-elected as a member of the Supervisory Board.


KPMG Croatia d.o.o. za reviziju, Zagreb, was appointed as the auditor of the Company for the year 2008.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla
