Press Conference 

The business results of Ericsson Nikola Tesla in 2008

At the press conference of 12th March Ericsson Nikola Tesla reported its business results 2008 and outlook 2009 and also presented some important innovation projects. Reporters and newsmen in attendance represented mainstream media: printed media, radio and TV. In attendance were also investors’ representatives and financial analysts.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla's president, Gordana Kovačević

Ericsson Nikola Tesla's president, Gordana Kovačević presented the performance 2008 and said she was satisfied with the achievements in 2008. Despite a very challenging year, Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s business results meet the planned figures, the operations were stable and with a tendency toward growth. Sales revenues were 1800.1 MHRK ( 1781.5 MHRK), 1% up year-over-year, profit before tax was 212 MHRK (200.5 MHRK), 6 % up year-over-year and considerably higher than planned figures. In the total sales revenues 2008 the domestic market accounts for 31%, knowledge export to Ericsson for 23%, and export to other countries for 46%.

Oscar Wallsten, Finance Director

Oscar Wallsten, Finance Director, presented the financial results. He pointed out that despite the general financial slowdown we improved our profitability and generated strong cash flow from operating activities. Regarding business plans, we are optimistic about the long-term developments in our industry; however, in view of the global recession it is reasonable to expect lower investments and also that doing business would now be even harder. That is why we adopted measures intended to ease the impact of recession on our operations in risk-prone areas.


Gordana Kovačević reported that the Supervisory Board of Ericsson Nikola Tesla approved the Managing Director's proposal to General Assembly about ordinary dividend payout to the amount of 20 HRK per share and extraordinary dividend to the amount of 50 HRK per share.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla
