CIS Market 

New business by Ericsson Nikola Tesla export amounting to 11.2 million kunas

Ericsson Nikola Tesla made new contracts for the Russian Federation and Moldova markets, amounting to 11.2 million kunas.


The contract signed with Bykalwestcom, the mobile operator of the East Siberia, deals with new quantities of medium capacity microwave based solutions. Our cooperation with Bykalwestcom on construction of their mobile network dates from 2004, and so far, we have installed 400 hops with microwave solutions.


As concerns Moldova, the contract was made with Interdnestrcom, the customer form Tiraspol for the supply of Remote Subscriber Stage (RSS) equipment.


Also, the contracts were made with a special customer, on new quantities of the latest IP based solution for business users.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla