CIS market 

New export by Ericsson Nikola Tesla amounting to HRK 54.8 mln

Ericsson Nikola Tesla continues with making new contracts in its export market. Thus several new contracts have been made for the CIS market. The new business amounts to HRK 54.8 million. The contracts cover the extension of radio network, which means the delivery of the corresponding equipment, software and services. Also, there are several contracts on the extensions in fixed networks, as well as the state-of-the-art IP-oriented solutions for business users with new functionalities.


MSc Gordana Kovačević gave comments on the new export business by Ericsson Nikola Tesla, and said: „I am especially pleased that in such times of global crises, we have managed to finalize same of our numerous marketing and commercial activities, which are being constantly taken at our markets. Thus, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, with its wide product and services portfolio, makes contributions to the business development of its customers, as well as to the improvement quality of life of citizens in CIS countries. At present, ICT solutions are the driving force for the development of all branches of industry, and so, it is of utmost importance implement them in time, which means to create the preconditions of faster economy development in the given markets“.


Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Company Communications