Annual Shareholders Meeting of Ericsson Nikola Tesla 

Stable operations in 2008

The Annual Shareholders Meeting of the joint stock company Ericsson Nikola Tesla took place on 26 May 2009. At the Meeting the share capital was represented with   81,583,700 HRK, which is 61.27 percent of the total share capital, enough to make the meeting eligible for lawful decision-making. Snježana Bahtijari, Chairwoman, conducted the Meeting.

Gordana Kovačević, company president

The audience included the shareholders and ETK management team members, also the Supervisory Board members Roland Nordgren, Ignac Lovrek, Carita Jönsson, Darko Marinac and Zvonimir Jelić. The major shareholder, LM Ericsson, was represented by Patrick Johansson.


Gordana Kovačević, company president, reported on operations in 2008 and outlined the strategy and outlook for 2009. Oscar Wallstén, Finance Director in 2008, presented the financial results 2008 and the non-audited results for 1Q 2009. Martina Rautner and Tony Ilijanić represented the independent auditors KPMG Croatia d.o.o. Tony Ilijanić reported on completion of a performance audit and expressed a positive opinion on Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s conduct of operations in 2008.

Oscar Wallstén, Finance Director in 2008

This shareholders meeting decided on dividend payment of 70 HRK per share; shareholders of record as of 19 May 2009 with the Central Depository Agency qualify for the payout of dividend.  The dividend shall be paid by 25 June 2009 at the latest.


It was decided that the joint stock company's profit for the financial year 2008 amounting to  204.4 MHRK should be allocated to dividend payout to cover the amount lacking after the not allocated retained earnings 2007 had been used, the rest should go to the reserve for treasury shares (15 MHRK) and to retained earnings. A decision was made on an addition to the Statute in art. 3. The shareholders meeting decided on PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. Zagreb to be appointed as the independent auditor of the Company for the year 2009.


Communication of Ericsson Nikola Tesla