Announcement of Ericsson Nikola Tesla business results for 2009  

Ericsson Nikola Tesla continues with business stability

At the press conference held on February 25. 2010, Ericsson Nikola Tesla announced business results for 2009. Also, the expectations for 2010 were presented. Besides the large number of press, radio and TV reporters, the conference was attended by the investor representatives, financial analysts and the guests from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Science in Zagreb.

MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla

MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, presented the company business results of the previous year and the strategy for the period by 2012. It was pointed out that, despite complex business circumstances, in 2009 Ericsson Nikola Tesla managed to maintain its market position, profitable business and financial stability. Furthermore, the company continued its positioning at the domestic and foreign markets with aggressive marketing and sales activities and with investments into development projects. Out of the total sales the domestic market share represents some 34 %, and the foreign market some 66 %. With that the export of knowledge to the Ericsson market is represented by 30 %. The company President informed the present journalists and investors that Ericsson Nikola Tesla Supervisory Board supported the Management proposal, which was afterwards sent it to the General Shareholders' Meeting for adoption. The proposal was to pay out the regular dividend amounting to HRK 20 per share, and an extra dividend amounting to HRK100.

Andrew Skelton, the Finance director

Andrew Skelton, the Finance director presented financial business results. He paid a special attention to the fact that, during the past year, the company generated a considerable cash flow from business activities, out of which the total solvent funds showed considerable growth. Also, the Finance director pointed out that the company will continue to strive to efficient risk control, provision of corresponding cost structure and the internal efficiency too.


Among the press conference topics, was the successful long-term collaboration in scientific research, development and education with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Science (FER), of the University of Zagreb. Furthermore, a new agreement on such collaboration was signed with the Faculty representatives.


Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications
