New Export Amounting to MHRK 40

Ericsson Nikola Tesla made contracts for new export amounting to MHRK 40. The majority of contracts refer to the CIS market. They are about modernization and extension of mobile and fixed networks, as well as IP-oriented solutions for end users in business segment. The contracts were signed with mobile and fixed operators and customers in business segment, which are all long-term clients and business partners of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.


MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, gave comments on these new business transactions and said: „With the latest contracts, Ericsson Nikola Tesla further confirms its export potential. In this very demanding time, with additional motivation and focusing we are present in all our markets, since it is the best way to success. By means of our ICT solutions, we permanently improve life of people in countries we run a business, thus enabling new income for our customers.”


Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications