CIS Market 

Export of Ericsson Nikola Tesla amounting to more than HRK 27 mln

Ericsson Nikola Tesla made new business deals in Russian Federation, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. This new business relates to the modernization and extension of mobile and fixed networks and microwave solutions in broadband network, as well as IP oriented solutions for business users. The contracts were made with mobile and fixed operators and business users, long-term customers and business partners of Ericsson Nikola Tesla in the given countries. The total value of the given contracts amount to more than HRK 27 million.


MSc Gordana Kovačević, President of Ericsson Nikola Tesla commented the new contracts: „The latest contracts mean further extension of communication facilities at the given markets; they provide users with new services, and mean earnings to operators, and the business subjects will be aware of more efficient performance.“


Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications