Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed new contracts on export amounting to MHRK 10

Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed new strategic export contracts, among which there are contracts of special importance with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and CIS markets. The contracts value amounts to almost MHRK 10.


As of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is about the contract covering the upgrade of fixed BH Telecom network by implementation the new generation of fixed network node and integration of the system for network management of fixed network. The remaining contracts are related to the business communication systems and fixed networks extension. Also, the company started negotiations covering strategic projects on network modernization in some export markets. MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, gave comment on the given contracts: “At this moment, these export contracts are very important, since they mean the continuity of our successful cooperation with customers resulting from the considerable export activities.“


Company Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla