
Ericsson Nikola Tesla made contracts with Crnogorski Telekom amounting to HRK 85 mln

Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Crnogorski Telekom signed contracts to define the co-operation in the next four years. Thus, the latest Ericsson solutions will be available to T-Mobile CG. Also, the support services for T-Mobile CG and T-Com CG were contracted. The total value of the signed contracts amounts to more than HRK 21 mln per year, which means almost HRK 85 mln in the four years to come.


MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, gave comments to these transactions and said: „These contracts with Crnogorski Telekom mean the continuation of our successful co-operation, which dates from the very beginning of telecom systems introduction in Montenegro. In co-operation with Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Crnogorski Telekom has always been offering to their users the state-of the-art services available at the moment. These contracts also mean the further confirmation of Crnogorski Telekom strategic direction to offer such services in future too.“


Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications