Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla and BH Telecom Signed HRK 26 Million Worth Contract
Gordana Kovačević MSc, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Nedžad Rešidbegović MSc, BH Telecom director general, signed in Zagreb on Sept. 28, 2011 the contract on extension of the radio part of BH Telecom network. It is about the largest telecom operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The HRK 26 million worth contract will enable better coverage of BH Telecom users, as well as it will result in increase of the capacity and higher speeds in 3G network. The realization of the contracted activities is to start immediately.
The new contract

On the occasion of the contract signing, Nedžad Rešidbegović MSc said:” This contract is in compliance with our strategy of providing attractive services to our clients with the corresponding transmission rate and the top quality experience, but taking into account the cost effectiveness, too. With Ericsson Nikola Tesla, our long term partner, we have overcome the classic supplier – buyer relation, but we have managed to set up the cooperation on introduction of technologies that provide benefits to citizens and various business subjects in Bosnia and Herzegovina“.


After signing the contract, Gordana Kovačević, MSc, gave the following comment: "The realization of this contract will provide BH Telecom with the possibility to introduce new services to the Bosnia and Herzegovina market, thus following the trends of the leading world operators. BH Telecom users will be offered the pleasure of high transmission rates and new services. The realization of the contracted deals will be achieved in close cooperation and mutual technical understanding among specialists of both companies, as well as in partnership and trust, as it was the case by now".


Company Communications, Ericsson Nikola Tesla