Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Contracts with HT Mostar

Ericsson Nikola Tesla and HT Mostar signed a contract on the extension and modernization of the current mobile network, in 2G and the newly added 3G part. Gordana Kovačević, MSc, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, commented this contract signing: “This contract is of special importance because it makes Ericsson Nikola Tesla the single vendor for HT Mostar network, in its radio part. The contract is the basis for implementation of attractive 3G functionalities to be offered by the given operator to its end users, as well as higher quality, higher rate and availability of services at the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.


Besides the given contract with HT Mostar, another two contracts were singed. One was on the delivery and implementation of “Number Portability”, and the other one on the “Service Level Agreement for Fixed and Mobile Network” in the current year.


HT Mostar and Ericsson Nikola Tesla have established a long-term partnership that enables this operator to supply a wide range of services, aimed both to private and business end users. The continuous technological development, investments into infrastructure, resources and professionals, as well as the implementation of the state-of-the art technology, enables HT Mostar to supply a vast variety of telecommunications services to its users, as well as to establish fast and good quality connection to the whole world.


Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla