Business operations 
Export worth more than MHRK60

Ericsson Nikola Tesla contracted new export deals amounting to more than MHRK 60. The majority of contracts refer to the CIS market. It is about the modernization and extension of mobile and fixed networks, as well as about the IP-oriented solutions for business clients. The contract that shall be underlined is the one made on sales to Armenia concerning the pilot program on m-health that is based on the wireless communication technology and Ericsson Mobile Health Package.


Gordana Kovačević, MSc, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla commented the deals as follows: “The latest contracts for the CIS market show the results of intensified presales activities. Thus, we confirm our export orientation. Our information and communication solutions are of assistance to our clients’ business activities and are of benefit to citizens in the countries were export to”.


Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla