Press conference 

Ericsson Nikola Tesla Business results for 2011 in public

The business results achieved in 2011 and the forecast for 2012 were published at the press conference held in Ericsson Nikola Tesla on Feb. 21, 2012. The gathering was attracted by numerous journalists from written media, radio and TV, as well as the representatives of investors and financial analysts.


The most important company activities and business results in 2011 were presented to the audience by MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, who emphasized the following:

Gordana Kovačević

“Another demanding year lies behind us during which we witnessed the negative trends that fully reflected to ICT industry. This particularly applies to slowing down and reducing investments by telecom operators into the infrastructure and to decrease in government investments into ICT infrastructure projects, along with the constant pressure to prices. The operators demonstrate more caution due to uncertainty about economic development, and some instability in our major export markets.


In line with that, Ericsson Nikola Tesla business operations recorded the decrease in orders booked by 11 per cent, and the sales revenues decreased by 4 per cent, year over year. The trends of sales earnings reflected the revenue increase both at the regional and Ericsson markets, thus considerably mitigating the drop in sales volume on the domestic and CIS markets.


The gross margin was lower year over year, and was the result of the continuous pressure to prices on all markets and investments into export markets in order to provide new business and enlargement the market share. Furthermore, the net margin was impacted by the product mix and services sales, lower margins in certain ICT projects, within the business segment of Industry and Society, and investments into development projects. The net profit in 2011 amounted to MHRK 28, and the cash flow from operating activities amounted to MHRK 135.


Despite the given challenges the company performance was stabile and it managed to retain, and in certain markets even to enlarge its market share.


In the period to come, we shall endeavor to strengthen our position in all business segments and in all company markets. In doing so, we will focus on growth, improving existing operations and cost optimization. Innovation and proactive attitude towards the needs of users of our products and services, constant adaptation to technological, market and competitive conditions and responsible risk management and investment are the backbone of our future business development.

Rafal Rybkowski

The conference was continued with the presentation by Rafal Rybkowski, the Finance director, who offered the detailed data on financial results of operations in 2011.


Speaking of prospects and new models of business development, Gordana Kovačević underlined;

“The company systematically, for many years invested significant resources in research and development activities. Investing in research, development and innovation ensures long-term, competitiveness and brings significant benefits to the overall economy. Therefore, it is important for our state administration to determine the strategic research and development and innovation activities and support them through the new models, as the current stimulus, in times of crisis when the profitability is lower, are not sufficient to ensure continued investment and competitiveness in this field.”

Media coverage

Ericsson Nikola Tesla Supervision Board approved a proposal by the Management Board and sent tot the General Assembly JSC to adopt a regular dividend payment of HRK 20 per share, and an extraordinary dividend payment of HRK 150 per share, and submitted it to the Annual Assembly of the joint stock company for approval.


Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla
