Ericsson Nikola Tesla Signed New Contracts with BH Telecom

MSc Nedžad Rešidbegović, Director General of BH Telecom and MSc Gordana Kovačević, President of Ericssona Nikola Tesla, signed contracts on the extension of radio part of the mobile network related to GSM/UMTS technologies as well as the expansion of fixed BH Telecom network. The total value of the contracts amounts to MHRK 81.


On this occasion, Nedžad Rešidbegović said, “Today contracts signing with Ericsson Nikola Tesla mean the continuation BH Telecom network modernization, which will offer our end users better quality of present services and availability of new, state-of-the-art services. This is all in line with BH Telecom efforts to follow world trends in telecom segment.”


Gordana Kovačević expressed her pleasure by the signed contracts and underlined the following: “These contracts are very important since it is about the continuation of a long term successful cooperation with BH Telecom. This time it is about the further development of networks owned by the leading telecom operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such enhanced networks will enable BH Telecom to increase the number of users, which will result in the income growth. And as of the end users they will be offered even better and top quality services. New speeds in data traffic will be excellent basis for the new generation of multimedia services, which means the new level of capabilities in communications. Thus, the cooperation with our strategic partner will go on by enabling advanced communications services and offering advantages to users in their daily life and work.”


Elvidin Kovač, executive director for Technology and Services Development in BH Telecom said something more on the network development prospects: “It is my pleasure to say that today is a very important date for BH Telecom. Among other things, we signed a contract that will enable the network development in two years to come, which complies with the set tasks and planned activities. The realization of this contract, BH Telecom will not only achieve the further expansion of its 2G and 3G networks, but will also make strategic preparations for transition to LTE technology by a simple software upgrade. In addition, just the end users will be aware of positive effects of the signed contract, because its realization will enable all to enjoy the opportunities and advantages of data transfer by using their smartphones and tablets via 3G network due to higher access speeds available. Besides the higher access speeds they will be offered a mobile TV too. This will all mean a good basis for the implementation of a multiscreen service in 2013 and creation of other business models that will enable BH Telecom to enhance its level of service in the next period. Primarily it means the multimedia services offering to end users. Thus BH Telecom will keep the position of the operator No 1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”


Jagoda Barać, Sales and marketing Director for Neighboring Countries in Ericsson Nikola Tesla, gave the comments to the continuation of successful cooperation: “Our cooperation has been marked by mutual understanding and dedicated work. This is the only way that enables us to answer to challenges and requirements of the networked society and to jointly build up future communications in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”


Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla