Business operations 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla and HT Mostar signed new contract

Ericsson Nikola Tesla made a new contract on the extension of the existing mobile network HT Mostar, in 2G and 3G segment. Under the signed contract, Ericsson Nikola Tesla will deliver to HT Mostar radio base stations of the latest generations and open to future technologies, and the corresponding software, as well as services of installation and integration into HT Mostar network. The contract value amounts to MHRK 36, and the realization is to start immediately.


In her comment of this contract Gordana Kovačević, MSc, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla said: "We are glad that the cooperation with our long-term partner is going on. The continuous technological development and smart investments by HT Mostar is a guarantee of top quality of services provided to their users. This contract will provide better coverage of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory, and the users will, in the shortest possible time, be offered the access both to the existing services and the new functionalities.


Company Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla