Ericsson Nikola Tesla Supplies LTE Network to Vipnet

Vipnet, the Croatian operator has chosen Ericsson Nikola Tesla as a strategic partner for upgrading its network to latest 4G technology, LTE. With this contract, Ericsson Nikola Tesla becomes a solo vendor of the state-of-the-art Single Radio Access Network for this domestic operator. The contracted business is a part of the broader five-year strategic contract between Ericsson and A1 Telekom Austria group, concerning the modernization and upgrade of Austrian and Croatian mobile networks to LTE technology. The new LTE network will further increase transfer rates and provide enhanced user experience. Also, users will be offered to experience data transfer rates on their laptops and mobile phones, up to ten times faster than by now.


MSc Gordana Kovačević, the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, commented the signed contract: I am very satisfied that, after excellent news from our export market, this cooperation with Vipnet shows the continuation of our success in the domestic market, too. From the very beginning, in partnership with Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Vipnet is a leader in innovative technologies, providing the state-of-the-art communication services in the market. LTE technology is a significant step towards the Ericsson vision of the networked society, in which we will benefit from everything that can be connected. Our common interest with out strategic partner Vipnet is to provide users with the top quality solutions, offering the most effective and high performance network operation. The new LTE network offers new levels of experience to Vipnet users, and more efficient business to Vipnet. And again, together with this operator we are the forefront in the development of our telecommunications market, thus offering new possibilities to Croatian citizens and business entities.


From the very beginning, Ericsson Nikola Tesla experts have participated in LTE technology development on the global level, as well as in implementations of LTE networks worldwide, and this is their first opportunity to present this superior technology in Croatia. They are also the first that have participated in the implementation of the trial LTE network in Croatia. Prior to this contract, Ericsson had signed 46 LTE/EPC contracts in 23 countries and is the market leader with more than 60 percent of the market share.


Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla