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Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, joint-stock company

  Categories: Investors Notices


Pursuant to the Companies Act, Art. 277, sections 2 and 3, the Managing Director of the joint stock company Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Krapinska 45, on May 15, 2024 passed the Decision on convocation of the Annual General Meeting, to be held at the registered office of the Company in Zagreb, Krapinska 45, on June 27, 2024 at 11 a.m.

Notice on Annual General Meeting

Registration form

Power of Attorney

Annual report on Group performance; Consolidated and non-consolidated financial reports incl. Auditors' report

Supervisory Board’s Report on Performed Supervision for the year 2023; Management Board and Supervisory Board's Decision on the established annual financial statements; Management Board and Supervisory Board Decision proposal on allocating retained earnings from year 2022 and the Company profit achieved in the financial year 2023

Remuneration Report for Supervisory Board members and Management Board in 2023 together with the corresponding Independent limited assurance report on the Remuneration Report of Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.



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