Archive Site
Archive Site 1998 - beginning of April 2013
In the Archive Site you can find old Ericsson Nikola Tesla Internet pages, including content published from December 1998 to the beginning of April 2013. Since the content of the then relevant pages is no longer edited, there is a possibility of incorrect links or photos or missing documents, etc.
After almost a decade of complex operation on two severs with two various platforms, the Company pages were unified, by using modern design and new tools, and can be found at new address During the first 15 years of Company's web existence, dating from the last century and the times when Ericsson Nikola Tesla pages were among the first in the Croatian public cyberspace, the content was comprehensively adjusted several times, by using modern design and structural trends, of which this attached photo testifies.
We believe that you will have no difficulties finding the right information in this Archive Site. However, should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us to the following address: