EHIS System Characteristics and Architecture

The essential general characteristics of the EHIS system are:

  • modular design adaptable to institutions of different sizes
  • compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • simple and efficient centralized administration of users, organization, and work rights for the EHIS system and other systems with which EHIS is integrated (Master Data Management)
  • compliance with all requirements of regulatory bodies (The Ministry of Health, Croatian Health Insurance Fund (CHIF), Croatian Institute of Public Health).

The essential architectural characteristics of the EHIS system are:

  • last generation web technology
  • responsive design (includes special modules for working on mobile platforms)
  • simple integration with external systems using HL7 and other protocols
  • modular and scalable architecture ready for easy expansion
  • designed for easy translation into other languages
  • the possibility of connecting to the LDAP service inside the house.

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